Sunday 3 November 2019

Isn't it wonderful if someone you met on the road turns out to be your old friends or relatives

Theo and Bee of Norway are driving around the world in their Toyota camper.
It's fascinating their stories and experiences.

What’s the weirdest DM (Direct Message) you’ve ever had? How about a message from someone you bumped into on the road who’s currently driving from cape to cape, saying that you’re actually RELATED?! Because that happened on Saturday, 2019-11-02 🤣

Now here's a little back story...
We’d been following Lisa & Jason (@fourwheelednomad) for a while on their insta, and were surprised to wake up on the Finnish/ Swedish border to see they’d parked right by us, one of those crazy instances of being in the right place at the right time. Theo went over for a chat, and before you know it we’d all been talking about our travels for hours. Some people you just get on with instantly! As we walked back to the van to continue our journey towards the arctic circle Theo mentioned to me that Lisa really resembled his cousins wife. I’d never met that part of Theo’s family as they live in Australia, so I was just like ‘that’s random!’
On Saturday, 2019-11-02 we got a DM from Lisa confirming Theo’s suspicion. Lisa’s sister is indeed married to Theo’s cousin! Ironically both Theo and Lisa had mentioned when we were chatting outside our vans that they both had family in Oz ... who would have thought they were talking about the same people 🤣 It was all thanks to Claire, Lisa’s sister, who had read their recent blog post where they mentioned meeting us and it all fell into place. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Small world hey!

Narration courtesy: Bee (@theindieprojects)
# Vanlife Stories Worldwide

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